When you look in the mirror in the morning, are you pleased with what you see?
If you are over the age of 30, you may be starting to notice some sagginess in your cheeks, or maybe some fine lines around your mouth and eyes. These little “flaws” in your skin are due to the loss of one little ingredient that your body naturally produces: collagen. Collagen is responsible for skin strength and elasticity. It also plays a role in cellular renewal, and helps the skin get rid of old skin and push new layers to the surface.
Once we turn 30, we lose one to two percent of our skins’ natural collagen each year. This can make parts of the face look saggy or droopy and the loss of collagen leads to fine lines and wrinkles.
So, when it comes to anti-aging and looking younger—it all comes down to collagen. Some brands will make you think replenishing collagen is as easy as applying a collagen cream. And while the market is flooded with collagen creams, however, the collagen molecules are too large to be absorbed by the skin and are ineffective.
Luckily there are several easy ways to replenish our faces with different treatments. Let’s take a look at how you can reverse the signs of aging due to diminishing collagen and how you can look younger in three weeks.
Microneedling, traditionally a process reserved for dermatologists and spas, can be done in the comfort of your own home. The concept behind it is simple: when skin is “hurt”, the body sends collagen to help heal it. Microneedling creates slight punctures in the skin that activates the body’s healing mechanisms and floods the area with collagen. You can read more about it here.
Our microneedling kit, Deep, comes with a natural serum that treats the area being targeted and adds some bonus nourishment to your skin and can noticeably reduce fine lines and wrinkles in 3 weeks.
Getting collagen injected into your skin can give dramatic results after just one doctor visit. Commonly, areas around the mouth or under the eyes are injected with a plumping agent and collagen and the results can last for up to a year. Each injection will cost around $600 but the results are instantaneous.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is crucial in the production of collagen, and also helps even out your skin tone by fixing dark spots on your face. You can add Vitamin C to your beauty routine by taking a supplement, using serums that contain vitamin c and eating citrus fruits. We like this all natural Vitamin C cleanser from Shiok.
Taking a daily collagen supplement should be part of your beauty routine. These supplements improve the skin quality on your entire body and their power to increase skin density will smooth out fine lines.
Collagen supplements come in pill or powder form, and can be purchased at any vitamin shop. We like Reserveage’s Collagen Replenish Powder which will produce results in just a few weeks.
LED Therapy
LED light therapy can be done at a dermatologist’s office or at home with our Lyft device. The red light LED function is designed to penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate collagen and elastin production. Treatments are painless, and you can see results in little as 2 weeks.
A doctor visit can cost at least $100 each time you go…or you can check out Lyft’s at home option that you can use as many times as you want for $160.
Do you have any questions about replenishing the collagen in your skin? Feel free to ask us in the comments below because we’re a friendly bunch!